Bár zenei ízlésemet sokkal inkább uralja az ötvenes és kilencvenes évek korszaka, mint a jelenkori kínálat, Bonnie Tylernek csak az utóbbi időben néztem utána. Egy-két slágerét mind a mai napig játsszák a rádióadók és ha címre nem is, de hallásra bizonyára sokan ismerik az ő dalait. Most, hogy elejétől a végéig végighallgathatom a Tyler-életművet, sok kiemelkedő számra bukkanok, s ezek közül különösen tetszik a fenti. Előtte azonban lássunk egy rövid életrajzot.
Bonnie Tyler 1951-ben született Walesben. A hetvenes évek közepén kezdte pályafutását és már ekkor kitűnt néhány listavezető dallal (például a Lost in France-szal), ám az igazi áttörést a nyolcvanas évek hozták, elsősorban a Total Eclipse of The Heart (Turn Around) című számával. Jellegzetesen rekedtes hangja egy hangszálműtét után maradt rajta, mikor is nem volt hajlandó kivárni az előírt gyógyulási időt - ma már valószínűleg ő sem bánja... Amellett, hogy bő 100 millió példányban adták el 16 lemezét és rengeteg díjat átvehetett, ő volt az első nyugati énekes, aki a Szovjetunióban turnézott. A mai napig aktív és még az elmúlt években is büszkélkedhetett toplistás dalokkal. Együtt dolgozhatott számos nagyhírű énekessel és producerrel, köztük Dieter Bohlennel, Bryan Adams-szel vagy Andrew Lloyd Webberrel. Többször adott koncertet hazánkban, először 1986-ban és legutóbb 2009-ben.
Most pedig halljuk a Loving You Is A Dirty Job című dalt, melyet Todd Rundgrennel adott elő, s melynek szövege angolul és magyarul alább olvasható.
Loving You Is A Dirty Job Bonnie Tyler & Todd Rundgren When the sky is falling and you're looking round for somewhere to hide Did you ever call out to someone Did you ever call out to me, I've never been gone- I've been right here by your side There ain't nothin' but clouds There ain't nothin' but clouds in your eyes Why don't you believe it when you finally found the truth You've been drinking poison water from the fountain of youth Why don't you stop tearing up everyone you need the most You're so busy trying to get even You never even try to get close I can't explain it away, it doesn't make any sense to know what it's like, I guess you gotta go through it It doesn't matter baby Loving you is a dirty job but somebody's gotta go it There were times when we'd never fake it There were times when we'd always make it There were times when we'd take it to the limit And we'd never, never ever leave each other alone We were flesh and blood and bone There were times we had it all, there were times we had it all There were times when we took out chances There were times we were damn good dancers There were times when we heard all the answers IN the beating of the drummer and the riches of the rock and the roll I can see right through your soul There were times we had it all, there were times we had it all If your fears could only be forgotten We could pull all of the barriers down Would you follow your dreams' desire Would you follow your secret dreams and forbidden fire Let's just peel out of this town It's been nothing but dreams, it's been nothing but dreams until now You're never gonna see it, you got your head stuck in the sand It's the land of the free and easy street, it's the home of the damned You're never gonna see it, you better open up your eyes You're the only one who's left, who's gonna believe all your lies I can't explain it away, It doesn't make any sense To know what it's like, I guess you gotta go through it It doesn't matter baby Loving you is a dirty job but somebody's gotta do it There were times when our bodies glistened There were times that we can't stop missing There were times that we'd lay in bed and listen To the pounding, pounding chorus of our desperate hearts Nothing could have torn us apart There were times we had it all, there were times we had it all There were times when we fought like tigers There were times we were damn good liars There were times we extinguished every fire That was burning, burning, burning up each other alive From the heavens on down to the dives There were times we lost it all, there were times we lost it all There were times when we fought like tigers There were times we were damn good liars There were times when our bodies glistened There were times that we can't stop missing There were times that we'd lay in bed and listen To the pounding, pounding chorus of our desperate hearts Nothing could have torn us apart There were times we had it all, there were times we had it al | Téged szeretni mocskos meló